“The Lovely & Talented Elizabeth Cannon™” started working at Riverbend Music Center (Cincinnati’s 20,000-person capacity outdoor concert amphitheater) as an usher when she was 16… and wound up staying there for nearly 15 years. For most of her tenure, she managed Riverbend’s marketing, working closely with local radio and TV stations and record labels on media buys, ad scripts, promotions (ticket giveaways, meet-and-greets), artist interviews, and more. As a 97X listener in high school and a Miami U. grad, she always had a special place in her heart for the tiny modern rock station in Oxford… and the feeling was mutual.
Elizabeth fills us in on her behind-the-scenes work at Riverbend… including why a mullet man was making a sick kid’s heart achy-breaky, and who was cool and who was a tool in CS&N (and sometimes Y).
Elizabeth said 97X was a key reason that Riverbend was able to book up-and-coming acts, because the record labels always wanted to know if there was a local radio station playing those artists. Without 97X, concerts like Lollapalooza, Lilith Fair and H.O.R.D.E. might’ve bypassed this market.