Kerry Gray was the program director at 97X in the late 80s/early 90s, and a radio “lifer.” He was a real live wire – super-energetic, enthusiastic, funny as heck… and also completely into the music. In fact, Kerry and Phil Manning teamed up to expand the back catalogue of the station, and they also launched the first ever “Modern Rock 500” in 1989.
In this episode, Julie Maxwell, Julie Maxwell, Jeff Rohrs, Mike Taylor and Steve Baker join Dave and Damian to share their remembrances, and the episode wraps up with some archival audio of Kerry and Brett Heartz on-air at 97X back in October of 1989.

Kerry also launched the radio career of “Bubba the Love Sponge” – whom Kerry met at a nightclub in Terre Haute, Indiana, then brought onto his show as an intern. In 2016, Kerry was on his way a new job as co-host of a syndicated morning show with Bubba in Florida when he was in a car accident. At the hospital, testing revealed multiple tumors on his brain… and Kerry battled brain cancer for a year before passing away in March of 2017 at the age of 50.

Very fitting that Kerry’s celebration of life was a dance party.
KERRY began his radio career at 15 and spent 30+ years in radio, which included WEQX/MANCHESTER, VT-ALBANY, NY, KBCO/DENVER, WEDG (103.3 THE EDGE)/BUFFALO, and CJXY (Y108)/HAMILTON, ON.
KERRY had a larger-than-life personality and a really great heart. His presence made people around him want to be better. He was one of the sweetest and weirdest guys I ever knew.” — former WEDG Program Director James Kurdziel

Kerry Gray, far left, tailgating for the Indy 500.

Dave Tellmann at left, with Kerry Gray and Bubba the Love Sponge (both leaning on car – Bubba in red jacket).

In the episode, we talk about Kerry’s car catching fire in the Oxford parking lot of 97X. Here’s the aftermath:

Brett Heartz and Kerry do their car show model impersonation.