The annual Memorial Day Weekend “Modern Rock 500” was always a highlight of the 97X year. Listener James Brubaker decided to crunch the numbers year by year and create a Meta-list… a “Modern Rock 500 Top 500” as he calls it.

James (a.k.a. Dr. James Brubaker, Ph.D.) is originally from Dayton. He’s an author (book links on his website) and teaches at Southeast Missouri State University, where he also serves as editor of the University Press.

Here’s James’ original email to us:
Hi Dave and Damian,
I’ve really been enjoying the podcast. I actually stumbled across it while doing some research for a project I was working on, and figured I’d share it with you guys. Here goes…
I recently came across the archive of Modern Rock 500 lists on Craig Froehle’s website, and thought it would be fun to crunch some numbers and come up with a Modern Rock 500 Top 500. So, with the caveats that I had to do some data entry that might have some mistakes, and that Froehle’s site is missing lists for 94 and 98 (well, lists are there, but they appear to just be the 95 list repeated), here’s a ranking of the Modern Rock 500 Top 500:
Anyway, the podcast is a nice mix of nostalgia and fun behind the scenes info. I’m really digging it. Keep up the awesome work.
Sincerely, James
Thank YOU, James, for doing all that digital digging, and for digging our podcast. You’re #1 on our list!