Dayton native Dan Bockrath left San Diego in the mid-90s, returning to southwest Ohio and joining forces with editor John Fox to publish CityBeat, Cincinnati’s alternative weekly newspaper. One of the first media partnerships they formed was with 97X, because championing local music, arts and culture was their raison d’ĂȘtra and 97X listeners were open-minded and adventurous. We talk to Dan about that synergy, CityBeat’s sponsorship of Midpoint Music Festival (MPMF), and his ongoing love affair with live music in local clubs.
Dan was the publisher of CityBeat from its inception in November of 1994 until December of 2015.
CityBeat sponsored MPMF for many years, and Dan McCabe (at right in the photo above with Dan Bockrath) was responsible for booking the amazing lineup of up-and-coming bands/artists. (We spoke to Dan McCabe, now co-owner of MOTR Pub and The Woodward Theater, in Episode 48.)
Dan backstage at a Los Lobos show in 2011… we’re very jealous!
Greetings fellow earthlings! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.
Fred G. Sanford… the “G” stands for “gravy.”
Let’s take a look at this week’s live music. Monday Silversun Pickups are at Bogart’s.
If you’re wondering “What’s Happening!!” on Tuesday, the answer is a big fat nothing… and that’s not a rip on Rerun and/or Shirley.
Remember the very special two-part episode featuring the Doobie Brothers? I sure do!
Wednesday, Farmer & Adele play a Country Western Christmas show with Mike Oberst of the Tillers at Southgate, Livingston Taylor (Sweet Baby James’ Baby Brother) plays the 20th Century Theater, and spoof hair band Steel Panther plays a “Big Hairy Xmas” show at Bogart’s.
If you’re a fan of live comedy, former Gary Burbank Show writer John Bunyan will be celebrating his birthday on Wednesday by closing out a Go Bananas Pro-Am show with a long set. John’s the funniest CPA I know (pretty low bar, I realize). Other folks on the bill are friends of his, including headliners like Gabe Kea, Mark Chalifoux and Tabari McCoy, so it should be a good time. Tickets are $5, show starts at 8.
Ben Levin plays BrewRiver on Thursday. Speaking of Ben, he’s got a fun new holiday tune out.
On Friday, the underwear-clad duo called The Skivvies plays a holiday show at Ludlow Garage. The dude is from Fairfield, where appearing in public in your underwear is de rigueur. You can read more about these “undie-rockers” in CityBeat.
Also, Aqueous is at Madison Live. Fully clothed. (You can listen to their new EP here.) And Ben Levin & the Heaters play Southgate’s Lounge.
Saturday, Dopapod is at the Madison Theater, Randy Steffen plays Camp Springs Tavern, and Pink Talking Fish (a fusion of Pink Floyd, Talking Heads and Phish) hits Ludlow Garage. Also, The Band of Helping Hands (Covington) will host a Blue Christmas toy drive/fundraiser show with G. Miles and the Band of Helping Hands house band along with Ricky Nye INC featuring Bekah Williams and Ben Levin.
Video of the Week
Local artist Wonky Tonk’s video for her song “Lessons” is directed by the lovely and talented Dave Morrison (Ass Ponys).
Happy Anniversary
CityBeat is celebrating 25 years as our fair city’s alt-weekly (actually alt-biweekly now), and the current issue features a grainy photo of list members John Fox and Dan Bockrath from back in the day. They’ve both moved on from CityBeat, but their boyish good looks haven’t changed a bit.
Hair Band Redemption
If you ever find yourself saying “whatever happened to Kip Winger, lead singer of the band Winger?” well, here’s your answer… and it may surprise you:
New Artist Spotlight
Danielle Durack is a youngster from Phoenix, AZ. She released her album Bashful way back in January, but I stumbled across it recently when Undertow added her to their roster of artists doing living room shows. Recommended if you like Phoebe Bridgers (and if you don’t like Phoebe, you may as well unsubscribe right now!).
The Reading List
This interview with Robbie Robertson of The Band from The Ringer is worth a read… although he should’ve given equal writing credits to every member of The Band. (Also, the new Scorsese/De Niro/Pacino flick isn’t even out yet and I’m already tired of hearing about it.)