The 7/10 edition of CityBeat features a great cover story by Brian Baker about Chuck Cleaver, of Wussy and Ass Ponys fame.

Chuck’s a brilliant songwriter, and a heck of a singer. (As he says in the interview, his voice is an “acquired taste” but it fits his songs so well.)
As fate would have it, I had listened to the Ass Ponys album Some Stupid with a Flare Gun the day before the interview came out. Man, what a great album! Just like all the other Ass Ponys albums. And all the Wussy albums. And I’m sure his new solo effort is fantastic as well.
The CityBeat piece is a lengthy profile that runs the gamut of Chuck’s career and captures his self-deprecating attitude so well.
“I don’t consider what I have as a career,” he says without a trace of irony. “I think it’s a passion that sort of went haywire.”
Chuck Cleaver in the CityBeat profile:
The article is well-worth a read, and Ass Ponys, Wussy and now solo Chuck Cleaver are always worth a listen or three.