In the second part of our chat with Dan Reed (a.k.a. “Danny Crash”), he tells more hilarious stories from the early 97X years, including tales about his band Chem-Dyne, his friends Mr. K and Greg Dulli, working at Bogart’s, and learning life lessons (sometimes the hard way) from 97X owners Doug and Linda.

Dan talks about his Hamilton friend/fellow bandmate/fellow DJ Ken “Mr K” Glidewell, who died in 2008 from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Dave and I both got to know Mr. K from working with him, and he truly was one of a kind.
Here’s a video of Big In Iowa, a local band featuring Mr. K and Bob Burns, who later gained fame via his always-entertaining “Blogger Bog” Instagram account for the TSA. Sadly, Bob also passed away suddenly last October.
Dan Reed also co-hosted a podcast called the Dan & Dan Music Podcast, you can check out the episodes here:
That Dan, he’s a nutty, kooky kinda cat, and we love him.