Well hello there, Stranger! How have you been? Vacay was great, thanks for asking. I know you didn’t miss me – even I didn’t miss me. But it’s not about missing me, it’s about not missing live gigs in the Cincinnati area. Let’s get at ‘er!

- Ben Levin and Joe Tellmann will join other Pinetop Perkins Foundation Masterclass participants in backing Bob Margolin at the Lebanon Blues Festival. (Ben and Joe will also play with Bob on Saturday. The entire schedule is here.)
- The Fabulous Thunderbirds roll into Ludlow Garage
- Tab Benoit plays the Taft Theatre
- Holy F*ck will be at Madison Live. I think they’re a gospel band.
- The Actual F*ck plays Northside Tavern. I think they’re a hardcore band.
- Ray Vietti & The Family Stoned will play a free gig at Carriage House Farm.
On Saturday you can see an Elvis Impersonator.

Wait, check that, I still have vacation brain… actually it’s Elvis Costello & the Imposters at Rose Music Center. Not to be outdone, Fraze Pavilion, the other Dayton area venue, has… Vanilla Ice.

Mr. Van Winkle, the erstwhile Ice, Vanilla, will be joined by a veritable Who’s Who of “Who’s That?” – All 4 One, Rob Base, Coolio, Tone Loc and Young MC. (Name two songs by any/all of those artist and win valuable prizes.)
Also on Saturday evening:
- Ekoostik Hookah plays the old Annie’s
- Ludlow Garage has Strangelove, the Depeche Mode Experience
- Local artists Flying Underground (Brian Lovely) and Nick Kizirnis play MOTR
- The Greg Brady hosts Dashboard Confessional and Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness.

Daryl Hall and the Daryl’s House Band plays Timberwolf on Sunday, with special guest Todd Rundgren.

On Wednesday, RuPaul’s Drag Race is at the Mike Brady Center, and the Happy Together Tour comes to Fraze – The Turtles, Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, The Association, The Buckinghams, The Vogues, and The Cowsills. Every orthopedic surgeon in the Dayton area should be handing out business cards at that show.

Thursday shows:
- The Dead South and Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band play Annie’s.
- Tower of Power and Lettuce (that’s two bands, it’s not the Smoothie/Salad combo at Jamba Juice) are at the Taft.
- Whitehall plays Southgate
- Mike Zito is at Ludlow Garage
- The Casey Campbell Band does the free show at Washington Park from 7-9 p.m.
- Last, and least, the Motor City Madman Ted Nugent plays the Rose Music Center.

Next Friday:
- Steep Canyon Rangers are at Annie’s
- Soul Pocket headlines the free show on Fountain Square
- The Rose Music Center serves up the
Smoothie/Salad combotwin bill of Tower of Power and Lettuce.

Concert Shots
Lucy Dacus and Camp Cope put on a stellar outdoor show at the Burl in Lexington. List member Joe Sampson and I helped bring up the average age.

List members Dan Bockrath, Dave Tellmann and I thoroughly enjoyed the Adrian Belew gig at Ludlow Garage. We also had fun counting the # of old men wearing ponytails.

Classy Ken, your Clifton Concert Concierge
Speaking of the Ludlow Garage, if you purchase your tickets at their box office (open Wed-Sat 4-10 p.m.), you can avoid most of the dreaded TicketBastard fees. List member Ken Laube lives in Clifton, and I’m sure he’d be happy to walk up to Ludlow (quite frankly, he could use the exercise) and purchase the ducats for you.

Recommended Reading
Pitchfork has a pretty cool interview with artist Steve Keene, best known for his Pavement album cover art.
… my wife and I were on the college radio station when she went to UVA. You’re surrounded by so much creativity—the other DJs are creative, but also the tens of thousands of albums from the past 40 years, all their funky, weird artwork, all their liner notes. It’s just so jam-packed, and 99 percent of them are forgotten. It was sort of this different idea about how, gosh, I’m gonna be forgotten too. So why don’t I have fun with this? And why don’t I make art feel like you’re going to a show, buying a T-shirt or a CD?
Steve Keene in the interview linked above
Album Cover of the Week
This week’s album cover is courtesy of list member Dave Green:

Sayeth Dave: You’d think this would’ve been a “blues” album, but that would be too cliché. My son picked this up for me for $6 since I am a casual jazz fan and previously 80’s Smurf collector (little known fact).
Absolutely Smurftastic, thanks for sharing, Dave!
Nothing to do with music… but funny

Have a great week!