So close, and yet so-cially distant.

97X, podcast

In case you missed it (and there’s a 99.9% chance you did miss it), the podcast that I co-host is yesterday’s news! Er, I mean, it was in yesterday’s Cincinnati Enquirer. What do you mean you don’t subscribe to a newspaper? What do you mean you don’t even know what a ‘newspaper’ is?

“Daddy, this iPad is broken…”

Luann Gibbs wrote a “Top 10 ways to practice social distancing” article, and there we were, right at the top of the list. OK, eight spots away from the top of the list. But still, we got some ink!

Full disclosure: Luann Gibbs used to work at 97X. But neither Dave nor I knew that she was going to mention us.

“Extra, extra… two old guys talk about a radio station that died a decade ago!”

It was our “the new phone book’s here” moment.

Actually, Dave and I don’t harbor any delusions of grandeur. (Occasionally, we do have delusions of adequacy, but we lie down until those go away.) Our podcast is extremely niche. Some podcasts have thousands of regular listeners, some have hundreds… we have “tens” of listeners. As I often say, “we’ve made about 50 people very happy” by bringing back fond memories of a small-but-mighty and much-beloved indie rock radio station. But it’s always nice to get a bit of recognition for the hard work you’ve done.

And now that we’re all under house arrest, there’s never been a better time to check out some new podcasts.

Episode 31: Kathie Lucas, Director of First (and Lasting) Impressions

97X, Music, podcast

Kathie Lucas went from fast food to “Fast Times at WOXY.” She worked at 97X for a decade, yet was never live on the air. Instead she handled a number of crucial behind-the-scenes roles from 1994-2004… “Director of First Impressions,” Traffic Director (i.e. scheduling the commercials), Promotions Director… she even raised her daughter Sophie at the station! We chat with Kathie about her many roles (including a starring role in a commercial), her Harlequin romance moment, the infamous “butt coolers” at Lollapalooza, and her amazing warehouse stash of 97X promo items.

Kathie and Bryan J. outside the station, with the giant wood-carved Elvis looming in the background
Kathie savoring her Dave Matthews moment.
97X staffers
Julie Maxwell, Susan Schreiber and Kathie Lucas

Here’s just a sampling of the type of promo items that 97X gave away back in the day:

Ah, the days of floppy discs…
“Gonna be another hot one… better get your ass to the butt cooler!”
Kathie with her husband (and Dave’s man-crush) Mike
Kathie with her daughter Sophie, who spent her baby/toddler years at the station.
Both Dave and the Farrah poster are scheduled to appear at the 97X reunion at Bake’s house this summer

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Party Dungeon

97X, Music, podcast

16 months ago, Dave and I launched the 97X Rumblings from the Big Bush podcast. We had absolutely no experience in the medium (it showed… still does) and zero expectations. We just liked getting together and talking about the great memories that were formed during our time at 97X, and we thought we’d get the old gang back together, press ‘record’ and put these stories out into the ether, just for kicks.

Over those 16 months, we’ve rediscovered something that we always knew back in our radio days: 97X listeners are a very loyal bunch. Somehow, some way, despite our complete ineptness at self-promotion, the folks who loved 97X/ found us. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised — after all these are the same people who had to stick a aluminum-foil-wrapped boombox antenna out their window to tune in back then. But when we get emails at like the ones below, it gives us our own Sally Field moment.

From Fred G.:

Hi guys,
LOVE the podcast thank you for doing this. I could write an extremely long email trying to explain how much 97X/WOXY meant to me but I would most likely ramble on and on.
The reason I am writing, outside of wanting to share me praise is I had a WOXY related memory come up on Facebook today from 2013 and thought I would share it. Here goes:

Was listening to NPR’s “Talk of the Nation”, in the car, on the way home from work. There were talking about personal important moments in radio in response to World Radio Day. The moment that came to my mind was not a big national event. It was the last terrestrial broadcast of Oxford’s Ohio’s 97.7 (97X) (WOXY) “BAM The Future of Rock n Roll”

WOXY was not only one of the first independent “Modern Rock” radio stations in the country but they were OUR station. In a local market that was and is dominated by big Clear Channel cookie cutter stations and talk radio, this was something cool and oh so local. The station started in 1983 and I stumbled upon it in high school around 84 or so and my outlook on music was changed. Not only was there great music but there were the DJs themselves, the quirky self-produced commercials and so much more.

When it was announced in 2004 that WOXY would be ending all broadcast (including internet as far as we knew at the time) I was devastated. 97X went out in style though, which brings me to my whole point:
I was trying to listen to the last minutes of the broadcast over the internet on my home computer. Technology was not cooperating, so I had to drive my car to the top of the hill in Mariemont in order to get a signal. (97X was notorious for not having the strongest signal in the Cincinnati area.) So I sat in my car in the dark of an empty parking lot as Steve Baker does his poignant and heartfelt final sign off and then silence….
The internet stream was revived. It was awesome and I loved it so until it too came to an end in 2010, but 97X truly died for me that night in 2004.

Thanks again!! And keep up the great work.
Fred Gumbert

From Heidi Arnold (later featured on Episode 20)

Thanks so much for this podcast!  It really has made me so nostalgic for my childhood.  I grew up in Oxford and religiously listened to the station until I left for college…   There are so many bands and songs that make me think so fondly of 97X.  97X will forever have a place in my heart. 

From Aaron Borns, former 97X employee later interviewed in Episode 22:

Loving the podcast! Great to hear your voices…and so cool you’re doing this. I discovered them last week…going through them in order and just finished listening to Julie’s episode.

I am so incredibly grateful for being given the opportunity to work at the station for the time I did….I can’t believe my good fortune. It truly was something special, and for you guys to bring those memories back to life in the way that you are is just too much fun (joy? 🙂 ).

From James Brubaker (his research was later featured in this 97Xbam post):

I’ve really been enjoying the podcast. I actually stumbled across it while doing some research for a project I was working on, and figured I’d share it with you guys. Here goes… 
I recently came across the archive of Modern Rock 500 lists on Craig Froehle’s website, and thought it would be fun to crunch some numbers and come up with a Modern Rock 500 Top 500. So, with the caveats that I had to do some data entry that might have some mistakes, and that Froehle’s site is missing lists for 94 and 98 (well, lists are there, but they appear to just be the 95 list repeated), here’s a ranking of the Modern Rock 500 Top 500:

Anyway, the podcast is a nice mix of nostalgia and fun behind the scenes info. I’m really digging it. Keep up the awesome work.

From Daniel Jones (later interviewed on Episode 27):

Thanks for the pod. It is like finally being able to talk with someone about the treasure that was WOXY. I was overjoyed the times I went back to Oxford to visit old professors (handful of times only) and even more so when I accessed the stream and saw WOXY was still the best station in the universe. It’s absence is a very felt presence still. Thanks for the pod and for the WOXY spirit in which it is produced. Eagerly awaiting each episode!

Thank YOU for listening!

Folks are thanking us when really we should be thanking them for tuning in. As 97X station owner Doug Balogh liked to say, “without listeners we’re like one hand clapping.” Emails like the ones above really warm our hearts (and Dave is one cold-hearted SOB most of the time).

Grumpy Dave

Connecting with you makes us do our happy dance.

Sure, we’re not exactly conquering the podcasting universe… Serial and Joe Rogan don’t need to worry about us overtaking them anytime soon. But I like to think that Rumblings from the Big Bush is the Velvet Underground of podcasting.

“My reputation is far bigger than my sales,” he said with a laugh on the phone from his home in Manhattan. “I was talking to Lou Reed the other day, and he said that the first Velvet Underground record sold only 30,000 copies in its first five years. Yet, that was an enormously important record for so many people. I think everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band! So I console myself in thinking that some things generate their rewards in second-hand ways.”

Brian Eno, in an interview published in the Los Angeles Times in May 1982

We may have only a handful of listeners, but for those dedicated folks, we’ve given voice to the songs in their hearts. We’ve helped them reconnect with some old friends and fond memories, and we’ve had quite a few laughs along the way. That’s success in our book.

This Week in Live Music: March 2-8

97X, Concert Listings, Music, podcast

Howdy, gang! You’re probably saying “what’s the buzz, tell me what’s a-happening”… perhaps you’re even singing it…

Well, I’ll tell you what’s a-happening. More live music.

Tomorrow, the Fairmount Girls kick off a four-week Monday residency at MOTR. Tomorrow’s special guest: Slutbomb. Yes, you read that right. Slutbomb.

Wednesday, Dave Mason brings his Feelin’ Alright tour to Memorial Hall for a sold-out show, and Ricky Nye and Matt Wiles play two sets at MOTR.

On Thursday, Daniel Donato plays Southgate’s Revival Room, and River Snout plays Big Ash Brewing.

Friday has a slew of shows:

  • Wussy plays the Woodward,with Vacation as the opener. I’ll be at that gig, along with a host of list members.
  • Donna the Buffalo stomps into Ludlow Garage.
  • The Comet Bluegrass All-Stars are actually playing a different bar: Big Ash Brewing
  • The Brook & The Bluff is at Madison Live
  • Maurice Mattei & The Tempers play Wiedemann’s Tap Room
  • The Harlequins are at Northside Tavern
  • Matt Waters & the Recipe play Southgate’s Revival Room

Saturday‘s busy too. Southgate hosts Rock n’ Revival for a Cure – doors at 3, show starts at 3:45.

Other Saturday shows:

  • A.J. Croce plays the songs of his father Jim at the Fairfield Community Arts Center. (That show is sold out… but you can get in if your name is Slim or if you are the jealous husband of a Southside Chicago resident named Doris.)
  • Ohio Valley Salvage plays Bircus Brewing
  • Heavy Hinges and 3 other bands play Urban Artifact
  • Hot Magnolias are at Big Ash
  • Dave Webster is at Camp Springs Tavern
  • The Indiana casino circuit is busy with “heritage” acts: The Little River Band is at the Lawrenceburg (IN) Event Center and Blue Öyster Cult plays Belterra in Florence (Indiana, not KY y’all). B.Y.O.Cowbell.

Last but certainly not least, the Warsaw Falcons play Weidemann on Saturday Night as they celebrate the 70th birthday of local legend David Rhodes Brown. Check out this article about DRB.

On Sunday, Big Ash hosts an Irish Music Jam Session (B.Y.O.Bodhrán) and Geldings play MOTR with El Chapo.

Hot Ticket Alert

The Record Company plays 20th Century Theater on Tuesday, May 19th. Maybe not the hottest of hot tickets, but I thought I’d mention it because 20th Century shows can slip through the cracks.

Recommended Reading

Hat tip to list member Howard Cohen (of the Cereal Killers) for bringing this article about They Might Be Giants major-label debut Flood to our attention.

Recommended Listening

Throwing Muses and Archers of Loaf have new music out. Read more about Throwing Muses in Rolling Stone and check out the new tunes below.

Just for Fun

Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers play production assistants to Conan O’Brien… hilarious.

Shameless Self-promotion

The newest episode of the 97X Rumblings from the Big Bush podcast features an interview with Timothy Hiatt, who was only at 97X for a year back in the late 80s, but has carved out a very cool career as a live music photographer in Chicago. Here are a few of his concert shots:

Have a great week!

Episode 30: Tim Hiatt – The Kid Stays in the Picture(s)

97X, Music, podcast

A self-proclaimed “bit player” at 97X in the late 80s, Timothy Hiatt joined the station fresh out of high school, stayed for only a year, and has gone on to a great career as a world-renowned photographer based in Chicago. Tim talks to Dave and Damian about how 97X still influences his life, his gigs as a music photographer, and how he came full circle with Bob Mould.

Tim at far left, with Mr. K, Kurt Neumann of the BoDeans, Jetson and Sammy Llanas of the BoDeans.
Tim chats with John “JJ” Jesser.

Timothy’s clients have included heavy hitters such as Rolling Stone, MTV, VH1, NBC, SiriusXM, Pandora Music and Entertainment Weekly. His work has appeared in dozens of major magazines and newspapers around the world. In 2012, he was #9 on Complex Magazine’s 50 Greatest Music Photographers Right Now list.

Here are some of the amazing shots Tim has taken at shows:

[Iggy really needs no caption]
St. Vincent
Flaming Lips… but of course.
Patti Smith. Powerful.

Most of the images on Tim’s website are available as a print – contact him about sizes and pricing. Follow him on Instagram @timothy_hiatt.

Tim went on tour with The Joy Formidable.

Here are videos from two bands Tim has joined on tour.

The Bakerman: Man of Many Talents

97X, podcast

Steve Baker was THE Voice of 97X for 20 years, from 1984 all the way through the bittersweet end in 2004, when he provided the poignant sign-off for the terrestrial station.

Steve also was — and still is — THE Voice of Miami Redhawks sports. He’s done play-by-play for Miami football and basketball broadcasts for 31 years. (In fact, he’s done it so long that he was THE Voice of the Miami Redskins back in a less enlightened time.) In my humble opinion, he’s one of the best play-by-play people in the whole wide world.

At 97X, Steve wore many hats: newsman, Breakfast Club host, station manager, engineer… if it needed to be done, Bake did it.

Baker at upper left… total (soft)baller! (front row is Rictile, Julie Maxwell and Jae Forman, back row is Bake, Bill Douglas, Phil Manning, listener Dan Mabry, and some ringer I can’t identify.

He’s still wearing many hats in his gig at Miami University, serving as Assistant Athletic Director/Director of Broadcasting. In addition to his play-by-play duties, Bake also coordinates all the broadcasts for MU sports, including tons of online programming.

But wait, there’s more… Bake’s so talented that he occasionally will sing the national anthem at Miami b-ball games, then do the play-by-play. Here’s photographic proof from a week ago, courtesy of former Breakfast Club co-producer (and now MU professor) Mighty Joe Sampson:

Killer pipes on the court
Killer pipes on the sidelines

Now that’s talent!

At an age when most people are content to veg out on the couch, the already-busy Bakerman managed to squeeze in college classes, and this past December he earned an Associates Degree in Humanities from Miami University. It was the culmination of a dream that started four decades earlier.

He had begun at Miami in the late 70s, but family circumstances pulled him away from his initial degree plans. Soon he began working in radio stations, leading to positions in Hamilton, Richmond (IN), Virginia, and Florida, before returning to Oxford and working at WOXY, the local station what would emerge as a national presence as “the future of rock and roll.”

Here’s an excerpt from our podcast interview with Steve where he talks about his journey.

Read this article for the full story of Steve Baker’s latest accomplishment. I love this line:

In another Middletown class, The History of Rock and Roll, it was Baker who often led the student discussion based on his years of experience.

It’s great that Steve is now an alum of the school to which he’s devoted countless hours over the past 30+ years.

And it’s totally fitting that the man who was THE Voice of a station that always challenged listeners with new music is still finding ways to challenge himself.

Here’s our Rumblings from the Big Bush podcast episode where we interviewed Steve, from January of last year:

This Week in Live Music: February 17-23

Concert Listings, Music, podcast

Before I tell you what’s cooking this coming week, I have to give a huge shout-out to all the list members who made the killer Cereal Killers gig at MadTree on Saturday afternoon: Dan, Joyce, Amy, Tim, Michelle, Mindy, Lisa, Phil… and at least three Daves!

He’s at MadTree!

In classic Cincinnati fashion, where three degrees of separation would set a new Tri-State record, my college buddy Tim Condron (who went to high school with Cereal Killer’s guitarist Matt Hueneman) was there with his wife, who, unbeknownst to us prior to the gig, works with the wife of my podcast partner Dave. What are the chances?

OK, better stop reminiscing before I turn into a Little River Band tribute band (name: Tiny Creek Ensemble). Let’s get to this week’s rather sparse lineup of gigs.

Tom Keifer, that fella from Cinderella (the hair band, not the Disney movie), plays Bogart’s on Tuesday.

Wednesday, Memorial Hall hosts the Americana duo Drew & Ellie Holcomb.

On Thursday, Brooklyn band Stuyedeyed plays MOTR with Oregon Space Trail and In The Pines. The Whiskey Wolves of the West play Southgate. American Authors and Magic Giant are at Bogart’s, and Ben Levin plays Smoke Justis.

There are a few gigs of note on Friday:

  • Twiddle plays Madison Theater
  • Motel Radio hits Southgate, in the Revival Room, with Calumet and Juno Dunes also on the bill.
  • All-American Rejects play Bogart’s
  • 20th Century Theater in Oakley hosts An Evening with Suzy Bogguss
  • “Steady Rollin'” Bob Margolin plays the first of back-to-back fundraisers for the Pinetop Perkins Foundation. He’ll be playing the Phone Booth Lounge (sounds cozy) in Kettering with Noah Wotherspoon, Lisa Biales, James Soiberg (longtime guitarist for Luther Allison) and Joe Tellmann (longtime son of podcast co-host Dave).
  • The Box Tops play Ludlow Garage. The current incarnation features original members Gary Talley and Bill Cunningham (not the bombastic talk radio host). R.I.P. Danny Smythe and the inimitable Alex Chilton.

Bob Margolin is back at it on Saturday (he comes by his “Steady Rollin'” moniker honestly). He’s hosting the 6th Annual Dayton Blues Society Youth Showcase. 22 youngsters from 10 states will be showcasing their blues chops, including local whippersnappers Erin Coburn, Ben Levin and Joe Tellmann, all of whom have learned from blues masters via the Pinetop Perkins Foundation’s annual summer camps in Clarksdale, MS. Great blues for a good cause.

Also on Saturday, local jam band Spookfloaters will be at Fretboard, playing a full set of Jerry Garcia Band tunes and another set of old favorites.

If that’s not trippy enough for you, Memorial Hall has the Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular that same evening.

And if that isn’t trippy enough for you, consider this: 80s pop starlet Tiffany is still a viable commodity… she’s hosting an “Ultimate 80s Party” at Kenwood Mall Bogart’s.

On Sunday, Kulick plays Southgate’s Revival Room.

Hot Ticket Alerts

Andrew Bird, Calexico and Iron & Wine will be at PNC Pavilion on Saturday, June 20th. Neko Case plays Memorial Hall on Sunday, June 28th. (Here’s hoping that she’s in a better mood than she was when she played Taft a few years back. THE most uncomfortable/disappointing fan experience I’ve ever had.) Dead & Co. waft into Riverbend on Monday, July 20th. And summer festival season is just around the corner. Tickets are on sale now for Bellwether in Waynesville:

And Forecastle in Louisville:

I find both festivals’ lineups a bit underwhelming, but maybe I’m just getting old.

The 1975? Is Patty Hearst in that band?

Speaking of which, Bunbury has a great lineup if you are a tween:

“Back in my day, a Marshmello went on a s’more!

Recommended Reading

This Esquire piece about Huey Lewis’ battle with hearing issues is an interesting read. Loved this excerpt:

Huey’s more of a risk-taker than his spot in the mainstream would suggest. He convinced his label to pay for an unknown Stevie Ray Vaughan to open for the Sports tour. (The fans weren’t ready for it: “He’d be burning it down, and the crowd would go, ‘Huuuey, Huuuey.’ It was the weirdest feeling, hating your audience.”)

Shameless Self-promotion

Shout-out to the Cereal Killers for the nice plug on their Facebook page about this website and the 97X podcast:

I’m blushing!

Since the Cereal Killers mentioned it, there IS a brand-new, piping-hot episode of the podcast available. Bryan Jay Miller (intern, sales, promotions, digital, GM) is our guest. Tune in to find our where all the albums, posters and other 97X/ paraphernalia might be buried.

Album Cover of the Week

An album so white bread that it should come in a Wonder wrapper.


Have a great week!

Episode 29: Bryan Jay Miller, Digital Savant

97X, podcast

Bryan Miller, a.k.a. “Funky Fresh” and/or “Bryan Jay, Digital Savant,” joined 97X as a Breakfast Club intern in the mid-90s, and stuck around after graduation, working in sales, promotions and eventually managing the station’s digital presence (website and stream) and serving as the station’s general manager when it went online-only. Dave and Damian talk to Brian about his roles, testifying before Congress, and living on a boat. We also try to figure out where all the music (CDs, LPs, etc.) that owned wound up.

Here’s the clip of Bryan’s very heartfelt and eloquent speech in front of the House of Representatives Small Business Committee in 2007:

It’s fun hearing Bryan say “honky tonk”…

And here’s a clip of Bryan on Cincinnati’s Public Television affiliate, promoting on WVXU’s HD-2 radio channel. Ah yes, HD radio… the Laserdisc of broadcasting.

This Week in Live Music: February 10-16

97X, Concert Listings, Music, podcast

Hey kids, before we get to the live gigs, we have this public service announcement:

[Crickets]… OK, on with the shows…

If you’re reading this on Sunday, 2/9, Bodega is playing MOTR with Sleepcrawler and The Wants. List member Dan B. is going, and he has it on very good authority (cough… Dan McCabe…cough) that Bodega will hit the stage around 10 p.m. which is basically a matinee show in MOTR-land.

The first part of this week is pretty slow for live music. But Tuesday, you can catch a few tunes as part of the recording of the Jerry Springer Podcast at Folk School Coffee Parlor in Ludlow, KY (7-8:15 p.m). This is smart Jerry, not dumbed-down-for-TV Jerry.

Like a meth-addicted David Carradine

I’ll be there. Please join me. We can have a beer at Bircus Brewing before the show, or after… or both.

Thursday is a busy night. 20th Century hosts “Mike Doughty Tells Your Future.” Here’s the description:

Mike Doughty, the force behind seminal 90s band Soul Coughing, accomplished solo artist and author, will tell your future on tour this February. Doughty, along with long time collaborator Andrew “Scrap” Livingston, will test the limits of their clairvoyance as they interact with the crowd and respond to online submissions unique to each show. Expect an exceptional full set each night, celebrating Doughty’s vast repertoire spanning 25+ years.

That same evening, The Earls of Leicester play Memorial Hall:

Shawn Camp (guitar, lead vocals) – Charlie Cushman (banjo, guitars) – Jerry Douglas (Dobro, vocals) – Johnny Warren (fiddle, bass vocals) – Jeff White (mandolin, vocals) When the Earls of Leicester formed in 2013, their mission was ambitious but exact: to preserve and promote the legacy of bluegrass legends Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, in hopes of reviving the duo’s music for longtime admirers and introducing a new generation to their genre-defining sound.

Southgate has a double bill on Thursday: New Bomb Turks and Nine Pound Hammer play the Sanctuary, and Parker Gispert of The Whigs (the Athens, GA band, not the Afghan variety) plays the Revival Room.

And finally, The Blue Stones (like a Canadian version of the Black Keys) play Top Cats.

Friday is Valentine’s Day! Be sure to spread some VD love around… hmm, probably should rephrase that.

  • Ludlow Garage hosts “A Night of Music and Conversation with Rodriguez.” (List member Ken Laube will be there.)
  • The Infamous Stringdusters play Bogart’s.
  • Highly Suspect is at Madison Theater.

Saturday is the MY Valentine’s Day, because I love, love, love the Cereal Killers (featuring list members Howard Cohen and Matt Hueneman) and they’ll be playing at MadTree, doing covers of 70s British and American Punk, along with a dash of New Wave and a dollop of Garage Rock from 4:30-6:30. (I also love, love, love early shows!) First beer is on me for any list member who shows up, because I love you too (well, except for Dan Lewis… more on that later).

Also on Saturday, Soul Asylum is playing Riverfront Live, although they really shouldn’t be called Soul Asylum anymore without Dan Murphy and Karl Mueller… but “Dave Pirner and Whomever He Can Get to Play With Him” doesn’t fit the marquee as well. Local H is the opener. They’re not local.

Urban Artifact hosts a “Love Hangover” show featuring several local luminaries doing duets, including Billy Alletzhauser + Beth Harris.

Maria Carelli plays MOTR, Ricky Nye, Inc. plays a free show in the Southgate Lounge, and Ben Levin plays the Manor House in Mason as part of the Cincy Winter Blues Fest. Ben is back in action on Sunday at Latitudes in Anderson, and Emily Wolfe plays MOTR that evening.

Recommended Reading

This oral history of Prince’s Super Bowl halftime performance is pretty cool. And you’ll probably want to watch the gig after reading it.

Recommended Viewing

Here’s a three-minute video from Rolling Stone featuring Gordon Gano and Brian Ritchie of The Violent Femmes talking about “Blister in the Sun”:

Shameless Self-promotion

Check out the latest episode of the “97X Rumblings from the Big Bush” podcast for our interview with Matt Harris, who worked spent a few years at 97X in the mid-to-late 80s and went on to work at Jacor/Clear Channel/iHeart Radio/iHeart Media, including serving as Program Director for Channel Z back when it was on the air.

Letters to the Editor

List member Dan Lewis took umbrage at our portrayal of him in last week’s post:

What have I done to you in the past 30 years I’ve known you???  I’m going through all the shows I’ve seen you at…. maybe I should have bought you a beer??? Offered you my seat? Patch on the grass? I can honestly tell you I NEVER had a mullet.

Remind me to tell you a story about the Motley Crue show and the CEO Of Frisch’s.

Actually excited about the team this year!! Go Reds…..

So let the record show that Dan never rocked a mullet. Let the record also show that he has never bought me a beer or offered me his seat at a show. (Dan knows I’m just messing with him.)

Can’t wait to hear Dan’s story about Mötley Crüe and the CEO of Frisch’s… I hope it involves the phrase “Brawny Lad”… and doesn’t involve the phrase “tartar sauce.”


Have a great week!

This one’s for Dan Lewis…

Episode 28: Matt Harris (hearts) Radio

97X, podcast

Matt Harris was already a radio veteran when he joined 97X in 1984, having worked in college radio at Ohio U. and the local rock station in Athens, Ohio. He spent a few years at WOXY, doing overnights briefly and then serving as Program Director for a long stint. Matt shares his favorite memories from his 97X days and updates Dave and Damian on his many roles in the radio game.

Very goth!
Matt is an avid cyclist