When you can sell something intangible like radio airtime, you’ve gotta be good. When you can sell ads for a station that has a signal so weak that advertisers can barely pick it up in their stores, you’ve gotta be great. Chris Adryan (“The Herb Tarlek of 97X”) spent more than a dozen years as a salesperson for 97X. Dave and Damian chat with him about Frank Eavey, the Rock & Roll Grocer, as well as other advertisers, big hair, flipped ties, ad rates, and the elusive Nick Velvet.
Episode 7: Mike Taylor
97X, podcastMike Taylor: Triple Threat
Mike Taylor is one of two on-air personalities who worked at all three versions of WOXY. He spent two stints at 97X in Oxford, Ohio, and stayed with the station as it became the online-only woxy.com, which set up shop in downtown Cincinnati and later moved to Austin, Texas. Dave and Damian chat with him about his radio experiences over the years, the great live performances that took place on woxy.com, his alma mater, and, inexplicably, Rick Astley.
Episode 6: Rictile
97X, podcastThe Return of the Rictile!
He’s the intern who became the Breakfast Club co-host for 8 years. He’s a Dirty Mayor and he has the hard cider to prove it. He’s the original University of Dayton “Rudy Flyer” mascot… the Aye Team captain… and a pitchman for mesh and meat snacks. It must be the one, the only, the Rictile!
Episode 5: Julie Maxwell
97X, podcastThe Queen of the Breakfast Club
Abe Froman may be the Sausage King of Chicago (per Ferris Bueller) but he can’t hold a candle to Julie Maxwell, who co-hosted the 97X “Breakfast Club” morning show for many years, and also served as the station’s promotions manager. If you ever scored concert tickets, prizes or station swag, Julie probably had a hand in it. Dave and Damian chat with her about Outdoor Underwear Festivals, Sinead O’Connor box cutters and her favorite co-host.
Episode 4: Steve Baker
97X, podcastTHE voice of 97X
Dave and Damian chat with the legendary Steve Baker, who worked at 97X for 20 years in a variety of roles: news reporter, Breakfast Club host, station manager, play-by-play announcer for Miami University football and basketball, singer of jingles and National Anthems, etc. Steve’s voice also stars in the movie Rainman (“97X… BAM!… the future of rock and roll!”)
Episode 3: Pork and Ponderosa
97X, podcastPork Queens and Ponderosas
Dave (“The Dick Clark of Modern Rock”) and Damian (“The Dick Sargent of Modern Rock”) chat about the Modern Rock 500 and artists/bands that stopped by the station. And you’ll find out why a Bel Canto moment lasts 60 minutes.
For lists of the 97X Modern Rock 500 through the years, check out http://www.craigfroehle.com/p/97x.html
Episode 2: To all the DJs I’ve loved before
97X, podcastCavalcade of Stars (a.k.a. The Name Game) and Name That Local Band
Dave (a.k.a. the Hunky Former DJ of Modern Rock) and Damian (a.k.a. the Lunkhead of Modern Rock) do a roll call of former 97X employees, and also launch their first trivia contest.
Episode 1: Bela Lugosi’s Alive
97X, podcastBela Lugosi’s alive and well… and living in the big bush!
Former 97X DJs Dave (a.k.a. “The Reuben Kincaid of Modern Rock”) and Damian (a.k.a. “The Digger Dalton of Gettysburg, PA”) talk about their (mis)adventures at one of the first and best modern rock radio stations in the country.