Episode 17: Dan reed tells more tales

97X, podcast

In the second part of our chat with Dan Reed (a.k.a. “Danny Crash”), he tells more hilarious stories from the early 97X years, including tales about his band Chem-Dyne, his friends Mr. K and Greg Dulli, working at Bogart’s, and learning life lessons (sometimes the hard way) from 97X owners Doug and Linda.

Dan talks about his Hamilton friend/fellow bandmate/fellow DJ Ken “Mr K” Glidewell, who died in 2008 from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Dave and I both got to know Mr. K from working with him, and he truly was one of a kind.

Here’s a video of Big In Iowa, a local band featuring Mr. K and Bob Burns, who later gained fame via his always-entertaining “Blogger Bog” Instagram account for the TSA. Sadly, Bob also passed away suddenly last October.

Dan Reed also co-hosted a podcast called the Dan & Dan Music Podcast, you can check out the episodes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dan-and-dan-music-podcast/id976960749

That Dan, he’s a nutty, kooky kinda cat, and we love him.

Hamilton meets Akron
“Call me” – with Blondie’s Chris Stein

This week in live music: July 22-28

97X, Concert Listings, Music, podcast


Before MP3s, there was the original MP

Let’s get right to the tunes, because we also have a lot of non-concert ground to cover.

Monday, Amigo the Devil is at Southgate, with Cory Branan. And for all the phloppy Phish dancers, the Trey Anastasio movie Between Me and My Mind is showing at Bogart’s, and there’s a two-for-one deal on tickets. Please note that the showing is BYOFDGCSPFASHITPL… bring your own five-dollar grilled cheese sandwich purchased from a smelly hippy in the parking lot.

Tuesday, Los Lobos and The Mavericks are playing Rose Music Center. (Oh sure, Rose and PNC’s lineups are 99% identical but this is the one of the few shows that isn’t playing both venues… so unfair!) Emily Wolfe is playing Southgate, Matisyahu and Tribal Seeds are at Bogart’s, and Stanley’s hosts an all-star tribute to Dylan & the Dead (more grilled cheese for my tie-dyed friends!). Speaking of the dead, the man who has looked like a corpse since the 70s (and is now IN his 70s) will be playing Riverbend:

No more Mr. Vincent Furnier.

Halestorm is the opener.

Train rolls into Riverbend on Wednesday (see what we did there), with the Goo Goo Dolls and Allen Stone also on the bill. True story: Goo Goo Dolls nearly came to blows with the sound man at 97X’s “Day in Eden” concert in Eden Park back in 1993 (Superstar Car Wash era), but list member Mighty Joe Sampson intervened (all 140 pounds of him) and cooler heads prevailed. So basically, if not for Joe, Goo Goo Dolls would have wound up behind Si Leis’ iron bars instead of enjoying multi-platinum success. Also on Hump Day, Drivin N Cryin is at Southgate.

On the day of Thor, Conor Oberst is at Taft, Ben Levin Trio is playing The Phelps rooftop (close to where those stately trees used to be in Lytle Park), and the Cincinnati Music Fest (nee Kool Jazz Fest and Macy’s Fest) kicks off at Paul Brown Stadium with hip-hop night, featuring Slick Rick.

Friday is a feast for your ears:

  • Holly Spears plays Camp Springs Tavern (more on this venue later)
  • Angela Perley plays a freebie at Levitt Pavilion in Dayton
  • IDKHow is in Taft’s Ballroom (here’s a fun video from them)
  • Aztec Sun and Krystal Peterson & the Queen City Band are at MOTR
  • Fretboard Brewing hosts a Whispering Beard Preview with Chelsea Nolan (8 pm), Buffalo Wabs & the Price Hill Hustle (9:10 pm) and The Winetree (10:20 pm).
  • Urban Artifact hosts an NPR Tiny Desk Concert preview night
  • The Cincinnati Music Fest continues at PBS with Maxwell and Earth, Wind and Fire
  • Terrapin Moon plays Stanley’s
  • The Sonny Moorman Group and Chuck Brisbin & the Tuna Project play a free show at Sawyer Point (6-10 pm)
  • Uncle Kracker is at the old Annie’s
  • Lizzo plays the Coliseum
  • Zedd plays a post-game concert at GABP
  • The Righteous Brothers & the Temptations are at PNC
  • Last, but certainly not least, Air Supply will be playing Rose Music Center

On Saturday, Heart plays Riverbend with Elle King, Sylmar has their EP release show at Woodward Theater, with This Pine Box also on the bill (with an asterisk), and Pop Empire has an album release show at Northside Tavern. At PBS, Ohio Players are on the bill.

You’ve gotta see the poppin’ and lockin’… it’s killer!

If you’re hankering for some fun instead of funk, Stanley’s hosts a standup comedy showcase from 6-8.

Sunday, Southgate is hosting the Cosmic Honky Tonk Review featuring Jim Lauderdale, Jason Ringenberg (from Jason & The Scorchers) and Chuck Mead (BR549). And the week winds down the same way it started, with a jam band: moe. is playing PNC Pavilion, with Blues Traveler and G. Love.

OK, now let’s move on to the TWILM mailbag. Dan “The Reds are wild card contenders!” Lewis would like everyone to know that the Avett Brothers are playing after the Reds afternoon game on Saturday, September 7th. List member Andy Block surely will be in attendance, as he is an Avett groupie and saw all three nights of their recent stand in Red Rocks.

Jeff Franco sent a link to a new song from Wilderado (Jeff and I saw Wilderado and Sure Sure at Madison Live several months ago – great show!): https://open.spotify.com/album/1I2hGwPg0UwRN8pxBHJQLZ?si=se4-6ohrRDC3PumIQ5kGww

Todd Butler sent in this rave review about the Camp Springs Tavern:

List members Ben Brawley and Joe Sampson are the new Tenspeed and Brown Shoe, they have been looking for clues to the whereabouts of the band Sons of Bill after we put out an APB in a recent post on 97Xbam.com. Joe says lead singer James Wilson has been focusing on his Faulkner studies, but Ben reports that James is playing a solo show in Charlottesville on August 7th, so there is hope of more tunes in the future.

So bad it’s good….

List member/proud papa Dave Tellmann informed us that his son Joe won’t be playing with This Pine Box at Woodward on Saturday… because he’ll be in Europe playing two shows at the Notodden Blues Festival in Norway, and attending a music class led by Little Steven. Not bad for a college sophomore.

Meanwhile, proud son Joe Tellmann would like everyone to know that his dad Dave co-hosts a podcast about the old days at 97X called “Rumblings from the Big Bush,” and in the latest episode the guest is Dan “Danny Crash” Reed, former 97X and WNKU DJ, and former Bogart’s manager, and former local band member (Chem Dyne, Dock Ellis) who is now the afternoon host and music director for WXPN in Philly, and the talent booker for World Cafe. Joe says it’s a very entertaining show, despite the fact that Dave’s co-host is an asshat (Joe’s words, not mine.)

Shout-out to list member Dave Roberto for hooking me up with a Hootie & The Blowfish/Barenaked Ladies ticket (and get-well-soon wishes to list member Kevin Sullivan, who was originally supposed to attend). It was like 1992 all over again:

Have a wonderful week!

Episode 16: Danny Crash crashes the Party Patio

97X, podcast

Dan “Danny Crash” Reed is the self-described “Forrest Gump” of the music business. A proud native of Hamilton, Ohio and eventual grad of Ohio University, he was a young DJ at 97X when it changed formats in 1983, and later became program director (while also playing in local bands). After leaving 97X, Dan worked at Bogart’s, WNKU, WFPK (Louisville) and is now the afternoon host/music director at WXPN in Philadelphia and talent manager for the syndicated World Cafe program. He has 101 stories about the old days – which is why we had to make his interview a two-parter. You can follow Dan on Twitter and Instagram.

As a special bonus, here’s the world famous “Black Concert T-shirt” track from Dan’s band Chem Dyne, courtesy of 97X superfan Mark Griffin.

Episode 15: A shiv for all seasons

97X, podcast

Matt Shiverdecker, a.k.a. Shiv, ran the gamut at 97X… from boyhood superfan/long-distance listener to station intern to part-time DJ to full-timer at 97X, then woxy.com, where he worked until the bitter(sweet) end in Austin, Texas. Dave and Damian talk to Matt about his journey, get his take on the online station’s untimely demise, and find out more about middle school broadcast camp and the top-secret WOXY historical archives. 

As Shiv mentions in our podcast interview, he reviews movies for the Austin American-Statesman. His most recent column is here: https://www.austin360.com/entertainmentlife/20190701/on-demand-the-beach-bum-is-laugh-out-loud-wild-ride

You can find more of his columns here: https://www.austin360.com/search?text=matt%20shiverdecker&start=1

Matt is also on Twitter.

Episode 14: Jae Forman

97X, podcast

The Extended Remix

Jae Forman ruled the evening shift in the early to mid 90s, and also served as the music director during the grunge era, a pivotal point in the station’s history. She also was the Queen of 97Xtrabeats, bringing her club DJ skills to that popular Saturday evening show. Dave and Damian chat with Jae about how she got the job, the grunge explosion, picking songs as music director, her first in-studio interview with a band, life after radio and… yes, Dave’s favorite topic: butt coolers.

Jae and Dave with a record rep (center) enjoying the butt cooler at Lollapalooza
Jae interviews Kim… no big Deal.
Swag galore!

Episode 13: Robin Plan

97X, podcast

Return to Planet X

There were dozens if not hundreds of DJs at 97X/woxy.com over the years. Robin Plan was easily the most unique. A free-spirited person who took freeform radio to a whole new level, every evening after midnight, Robin transported 97X listeners far, far away from the ordinary, to an entirely different universe, and a magical place called Planet X. Dave and Damian talk to Robin about how she pushed the limits throughout her radio career, and what the station meant to her. 

Episode 11: Steve Daedalus part 1

97X, podcast

Idea man and original program director

Steve “Daedalus” Stenken was working as the nighttime DJ at WOXY back in 1983, and doing a weekly one-hour “modern rock” program… he suggested that the station should change the format to all modern rock. The rest is radio history. Steve joins Dave and Damian in the party dungeon to talk about those formative years… and bust some myths along the way. 

Episode 10: Goober, Fish and six packs

97X, podcast


In Episode 10, Dave and Damian talk about the Golden Rule of Celebrity Phone Calls… it involves George “Goober” Lindsey, of course. They also chat with superlistener (or perhaps superhoarder) Chris Barkley, who has amassed a mind-boggling amount of recordings of 97X’s “Six Pack” feature. Dave also talks about his side hustle as agent to the stars, and basks in the afterglow of his finest 97X moment: Abe Vigoda’s Birthday Bash. 

Episode 9: Matt Sledge

97X, podcast

Slege. Slegendary.

Matt Sledge not only spent a decade at 97X, the Future of Rock and Roll, he also later worked weekends for WNKU-FM, another Cincinnati area radio station that played similar artists and was near and dear to its listeners’ hearts. Dave and Damian talk to Sledge (we’re on a last name basis with him) about local bands, living through the shutdown of both stations, f-bombs on late-night CDs, and “butt coolers.” (And listen until the very end for some fun outtakes.)