This Week in Live Music: February 24-March 1

Concert Listings, Music

Before we get into the gigs, TWILM would like to wish a hearty “Happy Birthday!” to list member Ted G., who turns 16 on February 29th.

Meet me at the end of the world

Speaking of birthdays, I was at a real rager of a BD bash last night. It got soooo out of control that a cop showed up… to politely ask us to move our cars to the other side of the street. But that reminded me of the famous “this is the Minneapolis Police” intro to the Replacements song “Kids Don’t Follow”…

The story behind that intro (which was real, not fake) is pretty cool, and you can read all about it in this 2016 blog post from the Minneapolis radio station The Current.

OK, let’s get to the live stuff.

On Tuesday, Ben Levin (“the hardest working college sophomore in show business”) plays BrewRiver, and the Northern Kentucky Bluegrass Band plays Sis’s in Newport.


  • The Austin band Star Parks plays MOTR
  • Ben Levin plays happy hour (5-8) at the Residence Inn/Phelps downtown
  • Chris Cusentino and Brad Meinerding play Ripple Wine Bar in Covington
  • Janis Ian plays Memorial Hall. List member Ted G. will undoubtedly enjoy listening to her biggest hit on Feb. 29th, 2024.

On Thursday:

  • Town Mountain plays Southgate along with Buffalo Wabs & The Price Hill Hustle.
  • The Soul Rebels (“an eight-piece New Orleans based brass ensemble that incorporate elements of soul, jazz, funk, hip-hop, rock and pop music within a contemporary brass band framework”) are at Riverfront Live, with opener Ernie Johnson from Detroit
  • Jam band Manic Focus plays Madison Live
  • Ace of Wands (the band, not the Tarot card) plays Northside Tavern

If you’re in a movie mood on Thursday, list member Eric Weltner has poured his heart and soul into creating a cool film:

International Incidents chronicles Central Ohio’s three original professional hockey teams that played in the International Hockey League between 1966 and 1977. The film serves as a glimpse into a rough and tumble era of old time hockey in the minor leagues. Men named Wild Willie, Terrible Ted and Battleship Bob patrolled the ice. Transport yourself back to a time when helmets and common sense were optional.

You can catch that film at the Woodward Theater. Get tickets here.

Quick, grab a goat… Bockfest kicks off Friday with the annual parade starting at Arnold’s and winding up (or down) at the Christian Moerlein Brewery.

Move along… nothing to see here, just your average, everyday motorized bathtub driven by a lederhosen-wearing, cigar-chomping dude with a rubber duck hat.

Other Friday events:

  • Chicago Farmer has a record release show in Southgate’s main Sanctuary
  • Legendary psychedelic prog rockers Nektar are at Ludlow Garage
  • Gaelic Storm plays Bogart’s
  • The Stolen Faces are at Stanley’s
  • Flocks flocks to MOTR
  • a local band with the great (or not so great) name of Two Inch Winky is playing Southgate’s Revival Room.

On Leap Day Saturday:

  • The Huntertones play Ludlow Garage
  • The Yugos play MOTR
  • Highly Likely has an album release party at Dead Low Brewing
  • Ludlow, Kentucky hosts the Cabin Fever Music + Arts Festival at several venues (lineup below)

Also on Saturday, list member Ted G. might get his driver’s license.

Hot Ticket Alert

Railbird announced their 2020 lineup:

Too Hot To Handle Ticket Alert

Foxy Shazam sold out their Taft Theater show in approximately 25 seconds.

Recommended Reading

List member Gil Kaufman wrote a great piece for Billboard about the story behind the song “Girl You Know It’s True” — which went from a Maryland trash heap to a worldwide smash for Milli Vanilli, thanks to a random telemarketing call. Very cool story.

Steve Baker, the voice of 97X and Miami U. football and basketball, recently got his Associates Degree at MU, which is pretty friggin’ cool. Read more in this blog post. (Yes, I realize I just recommended one of my own posts… I’ll try not to break my arm patting myself on the back.)

Jerry Springer and the Bakerman

Current Videos

Throwback Video

Now this was a kickass band:

Album Cover of the Week

Eat your heart out, Two Inch Winky!

The Bakerman: Man of Many Talents

97X, podcast

Steve Baker was THE Voice of 97X for 20 years, from 1984 all the way through the bittersweet end in 2004, when he provided the poignant sign-off for the terrestrial station.

Steve also was — and still is — THE Voice of Miami Redhawks sports. He’s done play-by-play for Miami football and basketball broadcasts for 31 years. (In fact, he’s done it so long that he was THE Voice of the Miami Redskins back in a less enlightened time.) In my humble opinion, he’s one of the best play-by-play people in the whole wide world.

At 97X, Steve wore many hats: newsman, Breakfast Club host, station manager, engineer… if it needed to be done, Bake did it.

Baker at upper left… total (soft)baller! (front row is Rictile, Julie Maxwell and Jae Forman, back row is Bake, Bill Douglas, Phil Manning, listener Dan Mabry, and some ringer I can’t identify.

He’s still wearing many hats in his gig at Miami University, serving as Assistant Athletic Director/Director of Broadcasting. In addition to his play-by-play duties, Bake also coordinates all the broadcasts for MU sports, including tons of online programming.

But wait, there’s more… Bake’s so talented that he occasionally will sing the national anthem at Miami b-ball games, then do the play-by-play. Here’s photographic proof from a week ago, courtesy of former Breakfast Club co-producer (and now MU professor) Mighty Joe Sampson:

Killer pipes on the court
Killer pipes on the sidelines

Now that’s talent!

At an age when most people are content to veg out on the couch, the already-busy Bakerman managed to squeeze in college classes, and this past December he earned an Associates Degree in Humanities from Miami University. It was the culmination of a dream that started four decades earlier.

He had begun at Miami in the late 70s, but family circumstances pulled him away from his initial degree plans. Soon he began working in radio stations, leading to positions in Hamilton, Richmond (IN), Virginia, and Florida, before returning to Oxford and working at WOXY, the local station what would emerge as a national presence as “the future of rock and roll.”

Here’s an excerpt from our podcast interview with Steve where he talks about his journey.

Read this article for the full story of Steve Baker’s latest accomplishment. I love this line:

In another Middletown class, The History of Rock and Roll, it was Baker who often led the student discussion based on his years of experience.

It’s great that Steve is now an alum of the school to which he’s devoted countless hours over the past 30+ years.

And it’s totally fitting that the man who was THE Voice of a station that always challenged listeners with new music is still finding ways to challenge himself.

Here’s our Rumblings from the Big Bush podcast episode where we interviewed Steve, from January of last year:

This Week in Live Music: February 17-23

Concert Listings, Music, podcast

Before I tell you what’s cooking this coming week, I have to give a huge shout-out to all the list members who made the killer Cereal Killers gig at MadTree on Saturday afternoon: Dan, Joyce, Amy, Tim, Michelle, Mindy, Lisa, Phil… and at least three Daves!

He’s at MadTree!

In classic Cincinnati fashion, where three degrees of separation would set a new Tri-State record, my college buddy Tim Condron (who went to high school with Cereal Killer’s guitarist Matt Hueneman) was there with his wife, who, unbeknownst to us prior to the gig, works with the wife of my podcast partner Dave. What are the chances?

OK, better stop reminiscing before I turn into a Little River Band tribute band (name: Tiny Creek Ensemble). Let’s get to this week’s rather sparse lineup of gigs.

Tom Keifer, that fella from Cinderella (the hair band, not the Disney movie), plays Bogart’s on Tuesday.

Wednesday, Memorial Hall hosts the Americana duo Drew & Ellie Holcomb.

On Thursday, Brooklyn band Stuyedeyed plays MOTR with Oregon Space Trail and In The Pines. The Whiskey Wolves of the West play Southgate. American Authors and Magic Giant are at Bogart’s, and Ben Levin plays Smoke Justis.

There are a few gigs of note on Friday:

  • Twiddle plays Madison Theater
  • Motel Radio hits Southgate, in the Revival Room, with Calumet and Juno Dunes also on the bill.
  • All-American Rejects play Bogart’s
  • 20th Century Theater in Oakley hosts An Evening with Suzy Bogguss
  • “Steady Rollin'” Bob Margolin plays the first of back-to-back fundraisers for the Pinetop Perkins Foundation. He’ll be playing the Phone Booth Lounge (sounds cozy) in Kettering with Noah Wotherspoon, Lisa Biales, James Soiberg (longtime guitarist for Luther Allison) and Joe Tellmann (longtime son of podcast co-host Dave).
  • The Box Tops play Ludlow Garage. The current incarnation features original members Gary Talley and Bill Cunningham (not the bombastic talk radio host). R.I.P. Danny Smythe and the inimitable Alex Chilton.

Bob Margolin is back at it on Saturday (he comes by his “Steady Rollin'” moniker honestly). He’s hosting the 6th Annual Dayton Blues Society Youth Showcase. 22 youngsters from 10 states will be showcasing their blues chops, including local whippersnappers Erin Coburn, Ben Levin and Joe Tellmann, all of whom have learned from blues masters via the Pinetop Perkins Foundation’s annual summer camps in Clarksdale, MS. Great blues for a good cause.

Also on Saturday, local jam band Spookfloaters will be at Fretboard, playing a full set of Jerry Garcia Band tunes and another set of old favorites.

If that’s not trippy enough for you, Memorial Hall has the Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular that same evening.

And if that isn’t trippy enough for you, consider this: 80s pop starlet Tiffany is still a viable commodity… she’s hosting an “Ultimate 80s Party” at Kenwood Mall Bogart’s.

On Sunday, Kulick plays Southgate’s Revival Room.

Hot Ticket Alerts

Andrew Bird, Calexico and Iron & Wine will be at PNC Pavilion on Saturday, June 20th. Neko Case plays Memorial Hall on Sunday, June 28th. (Here’s hoping that she’s in a better mood than she was when she played Taft a few years back. THE most uncomfortable/disappointing fan experience I’ve ever had.) Dead & Co. waft into Riverbend on Monday, July 20th. And summer festival season is just around the corner. Tickets are on sale now for Bellwether in Waynesville:

And Forecastle in Louisville:

I find both festivals’ lineups a bit underwhelming, but maybe I’m just getting old.

The 1975? Is Patty Hearst in that band?

Speaking of which, Bunbury has a great lineup if you are a tween:

“Back in my day, a Marshmello went on a s’more!

Recommended Reading

This Esquire piece about Huey Lewis’ battle with hearing issues is an interesting read. Loved this excerpt:

Huey’s more of a risk-taker than his spot in the mainstream would suggest. He convinced his label to pay for an unknown Stevie Ray Vaughan to open for the Sports tour. (The fans weren’t ready for it: “He’d be burning it down, and the crowd would go, ‘Huuuey, Huuuey.’ It was the weirdest feeling, hating your audience.”)

Shameless Self-promotion

Shout-out to the Cereal Killers for the nice plug on their Facebook page about this website and the 97X podcast:

I’m blushing!

Since the Cereal Killers mentioned it, there IS a brand-new, piping-hot episode of the podcast available. Bryan Jay Miller (intern, sales, promotions, digital, GM) is our guest. Tune in to find our where all the albums, posters and other 97X/ paraphernalia might be buried.

Album Cover of the Week

An album so white bread that it should come in a Wonder wrapper.


Have a great week!

Episode 29: Bryan Jay Miller, Digital Savant

97X, podcast

Bryan Miller, a.k.a. “Funky Fresh” and/or “Bryan Jay, Digital Savant,” joined 97X as a Breakfast Club intern in the mid-90s, and stuck around after graduation, working in sales, promotions and eventually managing the station’s digital presence (website and stream) and serving as the station’s general manager when it went online-only. Dave and Damian talk to Brian about his roles, testifying before Congress, and living on a boat. We also try to figure out where all the music (CDs, LPs, etc.) that owned wound up.

Here’s the clip of Bryan’s very heartfelt and eloquent speech in front of the House of Representatives Small Business Committee in 2007:

It’s fun hearing Bryan say “honky tonk”…

And here’s a clip of Bryan on Cincinnati’s Public Television affiliate, promoting on WVXU’s HD-2 radio channel. Ah yes, HD radio… the Laserdisc of broadcasting.

This Week in Live Music: February 10-16

97X, Concert Listings, Music, podcast

Hey kids, before we get to the live gigs, we have this public service announcement:

[Crickets]… OK, on with the shows…

If you’re reading this on Sunday, 2/9, Bodega is playing MOTR with Sleepcrawler and The Wants. List member Dan B. is going, and he has it on very good authority (cough… Dan McCabe…cough) that Bodega will hit the stage around 10 p.m. which is basically a matinee show in MOTR-land.

The first part of this week is pretty slow for live music. But Tuesday, you can catch a few tunes as part of the recording of the Jerry Springer Podcast at Folk School Coffee Parlor in Ludlow, KY (7-8:15 p.m). This is smart Jerry, not dumbed-down-for-TV Jerry.

Like a meth-addicted David Carradine

I’ll be there. Please join me. We can have a beer at Bircus Brewing before the show, or after… or both.

Thursday is a busy night. 20th Century hosts “Mike Doughty Tells Your Future.” Here’s the description:

Mike Doughty, the force behind seminal 90s band Soul Coughing, accomplished solo artist and author, will tell your future on tour this February. Doughty, along with long time collaborator Andrew “Scrap” Livingston, will test the limits of their clairvoyance as they interact with the crowd and respond to online submissions unique to each show. Expect an exceptional full set each night, celebrating Doughty’s vast repertoire spanning 25+ years.

That same evening, The Earls of Leicester play Memorial Hall:

Shawn Camp (guitar, lead vocals) – Charlie Cushman (banjo, guitars) – Jerry Douglas (Dobro, vocals) – Johnny Warren (fiddle, bass vocals) – Jeff White (mandolin, vocals) When the Earls of Leicester formed in 2013, their mission was ambitious but exact: to preserve and promote the legacy of bluegrass legends Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, in hopes of reviving the duo’s music for longtime admirers and introducing a new generation to their genre-defining sound.

Southgate has a double bill on Thursday: New Bomb Turks and Nine Pound Hammer play the Sanctuary, and Parker Gispert of The Whigs (the Athens, GA band, not the Afghan variety) plays the Revival Room.

And finally, The Blue Stones (like a Canadian version of the Black Keys) play Top Cats.

Friday is Valentine’s Day! Be sure to spread some VD love around… hmm, probably should rephrase that.

  • Ludlow Garage hosts “A Night of Music and Conversation with Rodriguez.” (List member Ken Laube will be there.)
  • The Infamous Stringdusters play Bogart’s.
  • Highly Suspect is at Madison Theater.

Saturday is the MY Valentine’s Day, because I love, love, love the Cereal Killers (featuring list members Howard Cohen and Matt Hueneman) and they’ll be playing at MadTree, doing covers of 70s British and American Punk, along with a dash of New Wave and a dollop of Garage Rock from 4:30-6:30. (I also love, love, love early shows!) First beer is on me for any list member who shows up, because I love you too (well, except for Dan Lewis… more on that later).

Also on Saturday, Soul Asylum is playing Riverfront Live, although they really shouldn’t be called Soul Asylum anymore without Dan Murphy and Karl Mueller… but “Dave Pirner and Whomever He Can Get to Play With Him” doesn’t fit the marquee as well. Local H is the opener. They’re not local.

Urban Artifact hosts a “Love Hangover” show featuring several local luminaries doing duets, including Billy Alletzhauser + Beth Harris.

Maria Carelli plays MOTR, Ricky Nye, Inc. plays a free show in the Southgate Lounge, and Ben Levin plays the Manor House in Mason as part of the Cincy Winter Blues Fest. Ben is back in action on Sunday at Latitudes in Anderson, and Emily Wolfe plays MOTR that evening.

Recommended Reading

This oral history of Prince’s Super Bowl halftime performance is pretty cool. And you’ll probably want to watch the gig after reading it.

Recommended Viewing

Here’s a three-minute video from Rolling Stone featuring Gordon Gano and Brian Ritchie of The Violent Femmes talking about “Blister in the Sun”:

Shameless Self-promotion

Check out the latest episode of the “97X Rumblings from the Big Bush” podcast for our interview with Matt Harris, who worked spent a few years at 97X in the mid-to-late 80s and went on to work at Jacor/Clear Channel/iHeart Radio/iHeart Media, including serving as Program Director for Channel Z back when it was on the air.

Letters to the Editor

List member Dan Lewis took umbrage at our portrayal of him in last week’s post:

What have I done to you in the past 30 years I’ve known you???  I’m going through all the shows I’ve seen you at…. maybe I should have bought you a beer??? Offered you my seat? Patch on the grass? I can honestly tell you I NEVER had a mullet.

Remind me to tell you a story about the Motley Crue show and the CEO Of Frisch’s.

Actually excited about the team this year!! Go Reds…..

So let the record show that Dan never rocked a mullet. Let the record also show that he has never bought me a beer or offered me his seat at a show. (Dan knows I’m just messing with him.)

Can’t wait to hear Dan’s story about Mötley Crüe and the CEO of Frisch’s… I hope it involves the phrase “Brawny Lad”… and doesn’t involve the phrase “tartar sauce.”


Have a great week!

This one’s for Dan Lewis…

Episode 28: Matt Harris (hearts) Radio

97X, podcast

Matt Harris was already a radio veteran when he joined 97X in 1984, having worked in college radio at Ohio U. and the local rock station in Athens, Ohio. He spent a few years at WOXY, doing overnights briefly and then serving as Program Director for a long stint. Matt shares his favorite memories from his 97X days and updates Dave and Damian on his many roles in the radio game.

Very goth!
Matt is an avid cyclist

This Week in Live Music: February 3-9

Concert Listings, Music

Another slow week in the music department. But there are a few gigs, so let’s rock:

Tuesday evening, Greensky Bluegrass will be playing the Madison Theater.

Thursday, my neighbor Ben Levin, who happens to be a blues/boogie-woogie piano wunderkind, is playing Big Ash Brewing. Big Ash is right down the street from my house, on the site of the old El Rancho Rankin Motel, so I plan to be there.

A cherished musical tradition.

If you live in the Mt. Lookout/Mt. Washington/Anderson area, you should attend this gig too! (Sidebar: List member Whit G., who is also my neighbor, wants to rebrand Mt. Washington as “Anderson Heights” to boost property values. Kinda like when they renamed a stretch of Eastern Avenue “Riverside Drive.”) Way to sell the sizzle, Whit!

Also on Thursday, Tauk plays Madison Theater, and John Sebastian is at the Ludlow Garage. He did the theme from Welcome Back, Kotter, so I think I’ll go and ask him to sign my Barbarino puzzle.

On Friday, there are a few interesting gigs:

  • It’s First Friday at the Listing Loon in Northside, meaning DJ Sean P. Hafer will be spinning some great tunes and you can get happy hour prices on Great Lakes beers from 4-8 p.m.
  • Ludlow Garage hosts their 4th Annual Earthday Celebration with the Ark Band. (I thought Earth Day was 4/22, not 2/7… maybe they’re using a Jamaican calendar. Actually Bob Marley’s BD was 2/6.)
  • Eskimo Brothers play Southgate’s Revival Room. Apparently “Eskimo Brothers” is also a slang term.
  • Totally 80s Live is at Bogart’s, featuring The Motels, Bow Wow Wow, and When in Rome II (not to be confused with When in Rome UK or When in Rome Revisited or Farrington + Mann Original Members of When in Rome… legal squabbles are the best!) (According to the When in Rome II website, they have a new lead singer, Tony Fennell, who took over as the voice of Ultravox after Midge Ure left, and spent the past 3 and a half years playing guitar for Enuff Z’nuff!… this is the kind of research you can count on from TWILM!)
  • Lee Rocker (of the Stray Cats… and Phantom, Rocker and Slick… more deep research!) plays the Fairfield Community Arts Center.

Saturday is a busy evening for live tunes. The Tillers host their 2nd Annual Stringbreakers Ball at Southgate.

Didn’t the dude on this poster play the El Rancho Rankin Motel?

Other Saturday gigs:

  • The Rumpke Mountain Boys play a Fan Appreciation Night at the old Annie’s. (Uh, shouldn’t every night be a “fan appreciation night” for bands?)
  • Jake Speed and Kade Puckett play the Downtowne Listening Room
  • At Ludlow Garage, Freekbass & The Bump Assembly does P-Funk, featuring members of Turkuaz, P-Funk and Bootsy’s Rubber Band.
  • Triiibe plays MOTR

On Sunday, Alvin Youngblood Hart plays Southgate.

Hot Ticket Alerts

Shawn Colvin and Mary Chapin Carpenter play Memorial Hall on Thursday, April 6th. Get tickets here.

List member Dan “The Reds are Active in the Free Agent Market… 2020 is our year!” Lewis reminds you that tickets are on sale for the July 2nd show at Great American Ball Park featuring Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard, Poison, and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.

Be sure to look for Dan in the front row for that gig.

Dän Lëwis, circa 1983.

Recommended Reading

Chuck Prophet is a rare gem of an artist and a genuinely funny dude. The story below is from his email newsletter (which you can sign up for here):

So there I was holding Jakob Dylan’s phone, backstage left at the Clash tribute at the Roxy organized by Jesse Malin the other night. Butch Walker was there, Duff from Guns & Roses. Is that enough names for you yet?

I was holding Jakob’s phone, trying not think about the fact that I had no I.D. and a long drive back to the Valley after midnight in my 15-passenger Econoline van ahead of me on a weekend in L.A.

We were staying with Stephanie‘s mom out in San Fernando and as I was getting closer to the gig, I couldn’t find my wallet anywhere. Finally, I grabbed the keys and hit the road. I mean I was obviously me, right? Who wouldn’t recognize Chuck Prophet? Well, lots of people, come to think.

Thank god that when I felt around in my pocket there was a wad of merch cash from the previous gig. Cruising down Sunset I was just shy of the Roxy on Sunset, when I spotted a parking garage. And as I pulled in, I noticed a sign that said “NO VANS. NO LARGE VEHICLES. NO EXCEPTIONS.” But who wouldn’t make an exception for Chuck Prophet, right? Well, lots of people, come to think.

So I acted like I didn’t see the sign. Playing dumb, unfortunately, comes way too easy for me. Eventually there was an attendant there. A Hispanic kid. And I rolled down the window and kind of held a folded $20 in his general direction. He walked over, pointed in the direction of the next level, said “park it up there next to that Chevy truck.” And, I was like, “OK.” And yeah, I was in a little bit of a hurry, and so I did.

I started driving the van up to the 2nd level and the ceiling concrete seemed very low and I craned my neck and looked up through the windshield and there were lots of pipes and sprinklers and concrete and I was thinking, “I don’t know…” And then I looked back at the kid and he looked at me and he just kept gesturing to me, “Go ahead, Bro. You’re good, Bro.”

The ceiling seemed kind of low. (So that’s what the “NO VANS” thing was about.) First there was a popping sound. And then the roof of the van ended up getting wedged in there and it started to feel like I was inside an empty beer can getting crushed. Throw it in reverse and pull back and get out backwards or keep on plunging forward? I plunged. Next thing I hear is an even louder scraping. Excruciating. My metal beer can of a vehicle was scraping along inch by inch. It seemed to go on forever, but finally the scraping stopped.

Everybody in the lot was staring at me. Clash fans, I figured.

So I pulled the van next to the Chevy truck and thought to myself, “F*ck…How late am I? I’m playing the first damn song. Jesse said there was gonna be a curtain and everything. And that the curtain was open and I would play the opening chords of London Calling and then we would be off and running.

I jumped out of the van and I walked down the ramp and up to the attendant and we both just kind of shrugged at each other in a sort of universal no words necessary language that said “Well, that happened.” And I said to the kid, “I think we’re gonna need to let the air out of the tires later in order for me to get out of here.”

Hold that curtain!

On the way out, dude clues me in that, “Yeah bro, and don’t forget we close at midnight”.

So I ran to the club and I didn’t have my I.D. How could I prove I’m Chuck Prophet? I was carrying a guitar, but who cares? Thankfully, cool heads prevailed and they even gave me a wristband. A purple one. One of those “All Access” puppies.

I went backstage and ran straight into Jakob Dylan. He was on deck. Playing directly after me doing the second song. We’d met before so we fell into some easy small talk about how Jesse likes his strap to hang really low. And just strap pride in general.

I played my song and bam, it was over. After I played my song, I walked off stage and Jakob said something to the effect of “well done.”

And then he said, “Can you hold my phone?” And I said sure. And he said, “I don’t like having a bunch of things in my pocket on stage, right?”
So Jacob went up and killed. On “Brand New Cadillac.” It was loose and tight in all the right places.

And as he came off, I handed him back his phone. It was only later than I thought, “Oh man, I could have scrolled through his phone. Maybe memorize a couple phone numbers. But then again, it was probably encrypted or something. I mean, it was still WARM when he handed it to me. I could have searched for… I don’t know “Dad.” But why? It’s not like I’m going to text his dad and say, “Big fan. If you ever need a lift from the airport…” Yeah, right.

This is ridiculous. I would never do anything like that.

The night went by in a blur. One song and performer after another. Everybody brought something to the picnic.

And then like some animal instinct, I felt myself panicking and thought “Oh damn, what time is it? It’s like 11:58!” So I ran out of the club. And did I mention it was Sold Out? I was trying to work my way through crowd to the street exit and I bumped into Clem Burke and said, “Oh, hi Clem,” and kept pushing through the crowd.

And when I got back to the parking garage the attendant was nowhere to be found.

So I stood there not knowing what to do. Wondering if I was too late and everyone had gone home. And then I heard this hissing sound. And it went on and on and on. I looked up to where the van was and I didn’t see anybody up there. But the hissing persisted. So I walked up the ramp and there in between the cars was the attendant crouched down: he was letting the air out of my tires.

It took a couple tries and more hissing, but we eventually got that van out of there. And we shared a laugh. But, we didn’t say anything to each other. Not one word. Didn’t need to.

And then I just cruised back down Sunset going about 5 miles an hour looking for a gas station with an air pump. Thinking to myself “Oh for Christ, no license, no photo I.D., or license. And I’m in a serial killer van. Perfect!”

Well, the first place I went to said the air pump was down. Then I found a place and pumped the tires back up and got back to the Valley. And there was my wallet. In my other pants.

“How was the show,” Stephanie asked the next morning over coffee.

“Oh, you know, just another walk in the park. How’s that oatmeal coming?”


The Big Bush lives on…

97X, podcast

The podcast that Dave and Damian co-host is called “97X Rumblings from the Big Bush.” For the uninitiated, here’s a bit more about the legendary “Big Bush” from the Fall 1999 issue of the 97X newsletter:

Like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, stories abound about the alleged exploits of the Big Bush. Rumor has it that Ol’ BB swallowed up several cars and at least one weekend DJ. They never were seen again.

Hatching a plan to take out the hatchback…

The Big Bush can even be spotted in footage of the demolition of the building in Oxford that once housed the terrestrial station.

They took down the building, but they’ll never destroy the Big Bush!

This Week in Live Music: January 27-February 2

97X, Concert Listings, Music, podcast

Hello, old friend. Another slow week on the live music front. Winter hibernation is real.

Tuesday, California folkie Willie Tea Taylor is doing a free show at Bircus Brewing in Ludlow, KY.

But wait, there’s more: it’s also Taco Tuesday at Bircus, with eats from Django Western Taco and Del Gardo’s Cannoli.

Todd Hepburn plays Arnold’s on Wednesday.

On Thursday, the Freddy Jones Band plays Ludlow Garage. It’s been a hot minute since they’ve come through town. List member Whit Gardner will be there. That same evening, Moon Hooch plays Madison Live… no word on whether or not Moon Turner will be the opener.

America’s favorite Bosom Buddy…

Friday gigs:

  • Wayne “The Train” Hancock plays Southgate, with local band The Tammy Whynots opening the show. That’s a very strong double bill.
  • Jackopierce is at Ludlow Garage
  • Ricky Nye Inc. plays Big Ash Brewing
  • John Morgen is at Camp Springs Tavern
  • Son del Caribe plays Woodward Theater
  • Bogart’s hosts The Iron Maidens “the world’s only female tribute to Iron Maiden” (talk about carving out a niche). The lead singer’s stage name is…

On Saturday:

  • Too Many Zooz plays Urban Artifact
  • Phillip Phillips (I think he used to work at the Department of Redundancy Department) comes to Ludlow Garage
  • Jamey Johnson (he co-wrote “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk”!) plays the Lawrenceburg Event Center.

And if you’d rather catch some ‘rasslin’ that evening, you can head to Bircus for up-close Northern Wrestling Federation action.

Joshua needs a better ring name.

Sunday is February 1st, which means you can check out (or even join in) the First Sunday Bluegrass Jam at Camp Springs Tavern starting at 3:30. BYOBanjo.

Hot Ticket Alerts

The Watkins Family Hour (Sara and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek) plays Memorial Hall on Saturday, April 11th. Get your tickets here. And Band of Horses plays Bogart’s on Thursday, March 26th, with Pomegranates as the opener. Two things to note about that gig:

  1. Last time I saw BoH at Bogart’s, the sound was absolutely awful. They sounded like they were playing inside a giant oil drum submerged in 10 feet of sludge.
  2. Longtime guitarist Tyler Ramsey and bass player Bill Reynolds both quit the band about a year and a half ago… and BoH hasn’t put out any new music since 2016.

More 97X lists

This Spotify playlist covers all the Modern Rock 500 lists from 1989 through 2009.

And Mark Griffin, a WOXY-FM superfan, created 11 hours worth of playlists from 1985… impressive:

Shameless Self-Promotion

The latest episode of the 97X “Rumblings from the Big Bush” podcast features Dave Tellmann and yours truly chatting with another 97X superfan, Daniel Jones.

Must See TV

This video from 1985 with then-97Xers Danny Crash and Mr. K (interviewed by Brett Heartz, then a high schooler and later a 97X jock) is priceless:

R.I.P. David Olney

He was a songwriter’s songwriter who died onstage last week at age 71.

“Any time anyone asks me who my favorite music writers are… I say Mozart, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Bob Dylan and Dave Olney. Dave Olney is one of the best songwriters I’ve ever heard — and that’s true. I mean that from my heart.” 

Townes Van Zandt

I saw David play live once, opening for another singer-songwriter (whose name escapes me) at Top Cats, of all places. Spellbinding stuff. This article in Variety does a good job covering his career and influences.

The ceiling will fall to the floor
The windows will walk out the door
The old clock will run out of time
And reason will run out of rhyme

The sea will no longer be blue
The truth will no longer be true
And ev’rything left is a lie
The moment I tell you goodbye

Tomorrow will never begin
Forever will come to an end
The sun will fall from the sky
The moment I tell you goodbye