We’re approaching the dreaded holiday lull, where live shows of the non-Rockettes/Trans-Siberian variety are few and far between. (Actually for me, we’re approaching the dreaded holidays: I hate cold weather in general, snow in particular, shopping, hearing the same 13 crappy holiday songs for days on end, fruitcake… and I don’t know what figgy pudding is, but you can shove it right up yer chimney!)

There are a few shows that haven’t been crowded out by the fat old man with a giant sack… er, Satan… I mean, Santa. Let’s take a gander:
- Erika Wennerstrom (Heartless Bastards) plays a sold-out solo show at The Loon Wine Bar in Northside (I’ll be there, along with list member Tom Woeber)
- J. Roddy Walston & The Business headline an Xmas show at Northside Tavern just up the street from The Loon. And thanks to the cajoling (but not caroling) of aforementioned list member Tom Woeber, I’ll be at that show too*.
- John Waters Christmas at Ludlow Garage
- A Very Motherfolk Christmas at Bogart’s
- A Traumatic Christmas Show at Madison Live: Trauma Illinois, Millie Oliver, Cut to the Chase, and Wendigo
*if you’re keeping score at home the Erika Wennerstrom/J. Roddy Walston doubleheader will be shows #42 and #43 for me in 2024.
- Erika Wennerstrom wraps up her three-night stand of sold-out shows at The Loon with a 6 p.m. gig
- Ben Sollee plays MOTR, with Eva Rose King as the opener of the 7:30 show
If you’re into Irish folk from Irish folks, Ludlow Garage has “Irish Christmas in America” on Thursday, 12/19.

Friday, December 20th:
- Over the Rhine kicks off their three-night “Acoustic Christmas” stand at Memorial Hall
- Tony Holt & The Wildwood Valley Boys play the Liberty Theater in historic downtown Lawrenceburg
- The Wonderfool and Carriers are in the Revival Room at Southgate
- Dallas Moore Band plays a “Honky Tonk Holidaze” show in Southgate’s Sanctuary
- Bogart’s hosts The Prince Experience… pancakes sold separately.
Shows on Saturday, Dec. 21:
- The Newbees play a 20th anniversary celebration show at Southgate , with Bad Ass Brass and Kevin Ashba.
- Moonshine Drive plays Arnold’s
- Harbour, Sylmar, Mosant, and Fat Sal are at the Madison Theater
- Over the Rhine does Night #2 of Acoustic Christmas at Memorial Hall
- Ludlow Garage has two shows (3:30 and 8:30) of “An Olde English Christmas with Herman’s Hermits starring Peter Noone.” Olde English 800 malt liquor sold separately.

Over the Rhine wraps up their Memorial Hall Xmas X-travaganza on Sunday, Dec. 22.
Oh, and insert inclusive holiday greeting here:

Jess Lamb and Siri Imani play MOTR on Friday, Dec. 27th, and Ludlow Garage has E5C4P3 (it’s listed a Journey tribute, but it could also be a droid from Star Wars). Oh, that reminds me: Happy Life Day!
You really must watch the entire ’78 TV Christmas special… Bea Arthur + Harvey Korman = pure gold!
Shows on Saturday, December 28th:
- Marcus King plays the Hard Rock Casino
- Halfway Hammered plays the Liberty Theater, with Wes Shipp opening
- The Wonderlands and Coastal Club have a holiday show within the decidedly un-festive confines of Bogart’s
- Abiyah plays Southgate with Radar (we’re assuming it’s not the guy from M*A*S*H)

Tinfoil Hat Cowboys play two sets at MOTR on Sunday, December 29th.
The dreaded new release lull… with one notable exception
New albums of the non-“Holiday favorites” variety are few and far between this month too, but yesterday marked the release of The National’s new live album Rome, which was designed by list member Dale Doyle (the original D2!)

Enough already with the crappy holiday tunes
Put Mariah and Brenda and Burl and Bing out to pasture, and put these on the playlist instead:

Who’s on your 2024 favorites list?
I totally agree with Steven Hyden:

His list is here. Drop your faves in the comments. This guy had better be on your list, though:
Listen up!
Kim Deal’s interview on the Broken Record podcast is insightful and fun (despite her wisecrack about Dayton, Kentucky… I love that town!). Her new album is nice too.
Cold weather, blistering hot take
I’ve long said that I could go the rest of my life without hearing another Beatles song. Because they’ve been played ad infinitum for 60 friggin’ years. Basta!
Not even the dulcet tones of Lucinda Williams, whom I adore, could overcome the I’m-so-tired-of-hearing-Beatles-songs weariness on Lu’s new release Lucinda Williams Sings the Beatles from Abbey Road.
If that makes you feel like Paul right now, so be it.

Ken Jennings rocks!
And not just because he’s a much better host than Blossom. His music senses are always working overtime. Check out this clip from a recent episode of “Jeopardy”:
Album Covers of the Weeks

When did Jon Bon Jovi take up ice hockey?

And for the love of Yahweh, who signed off on the cover art that makes these kids look like blow-up dolls?
Blasphemy! The Beatles have been played all these years because they are still relevant – especially when compared to some of the pop drivel put out these days. I’ll forgive the lapse in judgment, and assume you were just feeling holiday blues when you wrote this week’s blog – haha!
Speaking of the blues – went to Mansion Hill Tavern Friday for the first time in many years. Excellent band playing, but forgot to get the name!
I bought the entire fam Jason Isbell tickets for the Saturday show at the Brady. I really hope the new “tallstacks” gets some good musical acts. How are you and the family doing ?