Stase worked weekends at 97X in 1995-96, and then handled the midday shift in 1997. She got the gig partly due to the fact that her previous job was working alongside Rictile (in his side hustle) at GE Credit… and partly because she went to the same high school as 97X co-owner Doug Balogh. But what sealed the deal was her effervescent personality, which remains intact 25 years later. We chat with Stase about super-deluxe parties on the party patio, unbreakable piñatas, the Michigan Mafia and pandemic parenting.

We challenged Stase to track down a high school yearbook photo of 97X co-owner Doug Balogh, and she came through with flying colors… or flying black and white, actually:

Stase worked middays during the “Station of the Year” year.