How we remember 97X these days

97X, Music

Friend of the 97X “Rumblings from the Big Bush” podcast Daniel Cox sent along this note to

Sad but true, Daniel!

Dave and I welcome your emails at (I’ll try to check it more consistently.)

And just for kicks, how about some pissed off Bob Mould:

And some youngsters called the Ass Ponys (not Ass Ponies):

3 thoughts on “How we remember 97X these days

  1. How in the world did you find that Ass Ponys video???? They look so young – hahaha! Best New Year’s Eve was Ass Ponys at Sudsy Malone’s in Clifton!

    1. Either Randy or Chuck found it and posted it on FB. I reshared it to the WOXY Forever FB group. It’s a great video. I’ve watched it a few times.

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