Kathie Lucas went from fast food to “Fast Times at WOXY.” She worked at 97X for a decade, yet was never live on the air. Instead she handled a number of crucial behind-the-scenes roles from 1994-2004… “Director of First Impressions,” Traffic Director (i.e. scheduling the commercials), Promotions Director… she even raised her daughter Sophie at the station! We chat with Kathie about her many roles (including a starring role in a commercial), her Harlequin romance moment, the infamous “butt coolers” at Lollapalooza, and her amazing warehouse stash of 97X promo items.

Here’s just a sampling of the type of promo items that 97X gave away back in the day:

Any warehouse stash laying around for sale Kathie?
Any warehouse items available to purchase Kathie?
Any warehouse items available for purchase Kathie?