Hello, old friend. Another slow week on the live music front. Winter hibernation is real.

Tuesday, California folkie Willie Tea Taylor is doing a free show at Bircus Brewing in Ludlow, KY.
But wait, there’s more: it’s also Taco Tuesday at Bircus, with eats from Django Western Taco and Del Gardo’s Cannoli.
Todd Hepburn plays Arnold’s on Wednesday.
On Thursday, the Freddy Jones Band plays Ludlow Garage. It’s been a hot minute since they’ve come through town. List member Whit Gardner will be there. That same evening, Moon Hooch plays Madison Live… no word on whether or not Moon Turner will be the opener.

Friday gigs:
- Wayne “The Train” Hancock plays Southgate, with local band The Tammy Whynots opening the show. That’s a very strong double bill.
- Jackopierce is at Ludlow Garage
- Ricky Nye Inc. plays Big Ash Brewing
- John Morgen is at Camp Springs Tavern
- Son del Caribe plays Woodward Theater
- Bogart’s hosts The Iron Maidens “the world’s only female tribute to Iron Maiden” (talk about carving out a niche). The lead singer’s stage name is…

On Saturday:
- Too Many Zooz plays Urban Artifact
- Phillip Phillips (I think he used to work at the Department of Redundancy Department) comes to Ludlow Garage
- Jamey Johnson (he co-wrote “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk”!) plays the Lawrenceburg Event Center.
And if you’d rather catch some ‘rasslin’ that evening, you can head to Bircus for up-close Northern Wrestling Federation action.

Sunday is February 1st, which means you can check out (or even join in) the First Sunday Bluegrass Jam at Camp Springs Tavern starting at 3:30. BYOBanjo.

Hot Ticket Alerts
The Watkins Family Hour (Sara and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek) plays Memorial Hall on Saturday, April 11th. Get your tickets here. And Band of Horses plays Bogart’s on Thursday, March 26th, with Pomegranates as the opener. Two things to note about that gig:
- Last time I saw BoH at Bogart’s, the sound was absolutely awful. They sounded like they were playing inside a giant oil drum submerged in 10 feet of sludge.
- Longtime guitarist Tyler Ramsey and bass player Bill Reynolds both quit the band about a year and a half ago… and BoH hasn’t put out any new music since 2016.
More 97X lists
This Spotify playlist covers all the Modern Rock 500 lists from 1989 through 2009. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0ndUg4bPCgBesDtw8yvYit
And Mark Griffin, a WOXY-FM superfan, created 11 hours worth of playlists from 1985… impressive:
Shameless Self-Promotion
The latest episode of the 97X “Rumblings from the Big Bush” podcast features Dave Tellmann and yours truly chatting with another 97X superfan, Daniel Jones.
Must See TV
This video from 1985 with then-97Xers Danny Crash and Mr. K (interviewed by Brett Heartz, then a high schooler and later a 97X jock) is priceless:
R.I.P. David Olney
He was a songwriter’s songwriter who died onstage last week at age 71.
“Any time anyone asks me who my favorite music writers are… I say Mozart, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Bob Dylan and Dave Olney. Dave Olney is one of the best songwriters I’ve ever heard — and that’s true. I mean that from my heart.”
Townes Van Zandt
I saw David play live once, opening for another singer-songwriter (whose name escapes me) at Top Cats, of all places. Spellbinding stuff. This article in Variety does a good job covering his career and influences.
The ceiling will fall to the floor
The windows will walk out the door
The old clock will run out of time
And reason will run out of rhyme
The sea will no longer be blue
The truth will no longer be true
And ev’rything left is a lie
The moment I tell you goodbye
Tomorrow will never begin
Forever will come to an end
The sun will fall from the sky
The moment I tell you goodbye
OMGOSH – the William Devane commercial!
Yes, from a less-enlightened time.