Episode 17: Dan reed tells more tales

97X, podcast

In the second part of our chat with Dan Reed (a.k.a. “Danny Crash”), he tells more hilarious stories from the early 97X years, including tales about his band Chem-Dyne, his friends Mr. K and Greg Dulli, working at Bogart’s, and learning life lessons (sometimes the hard way) from 97X owners Doug and Linda.

Dan talks about his Hamilton friend/fellow bandmate/fellow DJ Ken “Mr K” Glidewell, who died in 2008 from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Dave and I both got to know Mr. K from working with him, and he truly was one of a kind.

Here’s a video of Big In Iowa, a local band featuring Mr. K and Bob Burns, who later gained fame via his always-entertaining “Blogger Bog” Instagram account for the TSA. Sadly, Bob also passed away suddenly last October.

Dan Reed also co-hosted a podcast called the Dan & Dan Music Podcast, you can check out the episodes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dan-and-dan-music-podcast/id976960749

That Dan, he’s a nutty, kooky kinda cat, and we love him.

Hamilton meets Akron
“Call me” – with Blondie’s Chris Stein

8 thoughts on “Episode 17: Dan reed tells more tales

  1. I played with Chem Dyne the last year they were together. I have a tape recording of our last gig at the Jockey Club in the fall of 1986. Before he died, Mr. K called me while I was living in Miami and asked me if I would play in a Chem Dyne reunion that he was planning. He died in a motorcycle accident not long after that. RIP Ken.

    1. Victor, I would love to have a copy of that tape. I played with Ken Glidewell in high school and practiced with Chem Dynes and Dan Andrews before I bailed for California. Mr K and I were very close. Get me at

  2. My favorite song I cover “Black Concert T-Shirt!”
    Because it’s BLACK! It’s from a concert! -Flash Minor

  3. Here are some recordings of the Chem Dyne gig at the Jockey Club on December 1985 when I was in the band. This song is called “My Place in the Line” and it was one of the newer originals that wasn’t on the LP: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/1DjwzKrqqB/
    This is another recording from that gig, a cover of Lee Michael’s “Do You Know What I Mean”: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/1FEVm4HQDq/
    I posted these on the Jockey Club group on Facebook and may post more there in the future. In this podcast Dan mentions the Replacements. I remember a gig at Bogart’s around 1987-1988 that Dan booked for the Replacements and that he had invited me to hang out at. I was in the dressing room with the Replacements after the show and they were sitting down quietly watching “Monday Night Football” on a small portable TV that they asked for in their rider (along with several packages of white tube socks!). No one was saying a word. All of a sudden, Paul Westerberg gets up, unplugs the TV, runs down the stairs to the back door of the club, and tosses the TV through the windows of an auto repair garage that was across the alley from the back of Bogart’s. He then walks back to the dressing room and sits down without saying anything. Since no one from Bogarts was around, the road manager comes up to me and hands me several hundred-dollar bills and says in a heavy Brit accent, “here mate, this should take care of the damage”. I asked him if this was their normal behavior, and he said “this is nothing. I used to be road manager for The Who”. Anyway, I wonder if Dan remembers this incident. We had a lot of fun!

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